
Below is a list of useful online resources surrounding radio astronomy and pulsar science.

Prof. Matthew Bailes

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Distinguished Professor Matthew Bailes is the leader of the MeerKAT MeerTime collaboration, the Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery and the winner of the 2023 Astronomy Shaw Prize for his role in the discovery of Fast Radio Bursts.

Dr. Daniel Reardon

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Doctor Daniel Reardon is a post-doctoral researcher at Swinburne University of Technology, specialising in radio pulsar timing and interstellar scintillometry. Through his work as part of the OzGrav and MeerTime collaborations, Daniel hopes to improve pulsar models and to reveal structures in the interstellar plasma that lead to noise in pulsar timing data.

Dr. Matt Miles

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Doctor Matt Miles is a post-doctoral researcher at Swinburne University of Technology, working on the science of gravitational radiation, with an emphasis on the physics of neutron stars and pulsar timing. He is a member of the MeerTime collaboration.

Prof. Ryan Shannon

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Associate Professor Ryan Shannon is MeerTime Project Scientist, and leads the MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array sub project. Ryan is an expert in precision pulsar timing and searches for nanohertz frequency gravitational waves. He also searches for and studies fast radio bursts.

Dr. Nick Swainston

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Having submitted his PhD thesis in 2023, Doctor Nick Swainston now works as HPC and Data Science Support at Swinburne University.

Prof. Christo Venter

North-West University, South Africa

Professor Christo Venter is a professor in Astrophysics at (and past research director of) the Centre for Space Research (CSR), North-West University. He is interested in modelling multi-wavelength / phase-dependent lightcurves, spectra, and spatial emission profiles of pulsar-related systems, including those from rotation-powered isolated pulsars, binary systems, pulsar wind nebulae, and collective signals from pulsars in globular clusters. Of late, he is also interested to learn more about radio pulsar timing and to search for persistent radio emission from fast radio bursts (FRBs).

Dr. Tiaan Bezuidenhout

North-West University, South Africa

Doctor Tiaan Bezuidenhout is a post-doctoral researcher at NWU. He specialises in searches for pulsars and fast radio transients using MeerKAT, as well as follow-up studies of these sources using a multi-wavelength approach. He is a member of the MeerTRAP and TRAPUM collaborations.

Dr. Marisa Geyer

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Doctor Marisa Geyer is a lecturer at the University of Cape Town, and a Meertime research member. Previously she worked as part of the SARAO team commissioning the MeerKAT telescope. She uses Meertime data to study pulsars in Relativistic Binaries; and is also interested in pulsar propagation effects. As a TRAPUM research member she is involved in searching for new pulsars in nearby Galaxies.